National Votes for Women Trail:
Project led by the National Collaborative of Women’s History Sites. Sites connected to the woman suffrage movement are being identified around the nation. Individuals are welcome to contribute.
National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites
National Women’s History Alliance:
Formerly the National Women’s History Project. The focus for 2020 is to persuade Congress to elevate Women’s Equality Day, August 26, to the status of a federal holiday. To get involved or for more info:
Online Biographical Dictionary of American Suffragists:
Editors at the online database Women and Social Movements (WASM) are crowd-sourcing the development of a full-fledged reference to American women engaged with the suffrage movement. While WASM is a subscription site, the work-in-progress biographical dictionary is now publicly accessible at Individuals may contribute 500-word biographical sketches of suffragists. For more details,
To contribute sketches or suggest names, contact editor Thomas Dublin,
Votes for Women PBS Documentary:
42d Parallel Films is developing a lengthy program focused on the final years of the battle for the ballot; it is expected to air in the fall of 2020.